Finding Time for Myself

Finding Time for Myself

I haven’t had time to sit down a just write in quite some time, so here’s a brief update of what’s going on with me. In the past month I’ve moved to Celebration, Florida, a small town just outside Orlando. I’ve started working for the Walt Disney Company as an intern. I’m making friends and have my cousins close by so I’ve been more social than usual. I live in an adorable apartment complex, complete with 2 gyms, 2 pools, and charming views. I’m living my best life and couldn’t be happier!

Since acquiring a 9 to 5 job I’ve been busier than ever. While chores like laundry, cleaning, and cooking are indeed important, I’ve started realizing how important “me time” is, and how hard it is to come by. I try to make it a point to have at least a half an hour everyday for myself, a full hour if I’m lucky. For all of you on the go like me, here’s my favorite ways to decompress, and put myself first.

Working Out

I can’t express how important working out is. Even on my busiest days I find time to do a couple ab exercises or yoga poses. It might not be a full sweat session, but it gets me moving. My apartment complex has a studio where I can take classes online, and I have had tons of luck finding 30 minute workouts that incorporate cardio and strength exercises.

Working out is a time that I can forget about anything stressful happening in my life, and it improves my health physically and mentally. I’ve noticed that working out helps with my bouts of depression and anxiety. Going days at a time without releasing endorphins puts me in a low place mentally, but a little time at the gym each day puts me right where I need to be!


Bubble Bath

It’s been a long time since I’ve had my own bath tub, and I’m taking full advantage of the one I have now. Bubble bath’s take a little more time than other ways of taking care of yourself, but I take one once a week (usually on days I don’t have to wash my hair). Studies show that bubble baths actually detox the body, and I personally think that they detox my mind as well. I prefer a soothing bubble scent like lavender. I play some relaxing music and take some time to reflect. This is another self care activity that improves my mental health.

Read a Good Book

There’s nothing better than getting lost in a good book. The characters problems replace your problems, their lives become part of yours, and personally, I can get lost in their lives for hours on end. I much prefer reading at night compared to watching TV or sitting on my phone. My reading time usually takes place on my balcony or by the pool after my workout while I cool down. Before I know it, my stomach is growling and it’s getting dark outside. I feel so refreshed after coming back to my reality and I can conquer the chores that need to be done at home.

Have a Glass of Wine

Imagining my independent adult life, I’ve always imagined myself coming home from work and pouring myself a glass of wine and cooking dinner. That imagination has become a reality. I allow myself a small glass of red wine, usually Pinot Noir while I do house chores, or while I get ready for bed. At this point, it’s a treat, like an ice cream cone. I look forward to it because I savor it, and it’s a sign that my day is at an end and I can get my pajamas on. While I’m not always watching the sunset when I’m drinking it, it makes chores like doing the dishes a little more enjoyable.

As you can see, my tips for “me time” revolve around my mental health, a healthy lifestyle in general. What are some of your favorite ways to relax after a busy day?