Your Guide to Social Distancing

I’m sorry to provide you with even MORE content on the Coronavirus and social distancing. I’m sure everyone is sick of hearing about it, I know I certainly am. It seems that every industry is being affected by this health pandemic. I don’t want to speak for industries I know nothing about, but in the travel industry we’re being buried alive. For those of you who don’t know, I work for a student travel agency. March is typically our busiest month with sending groups to their destinations. You can imagine the situation we’re currently in.
I want to take this moment for a little PSA. If you had travel plans and they’ve gotten canceled or changed, please be patient and kind. We do understand the frustrations because we have our own plans that are getting screwed up. Just because this is labeled a pandemic does not mean you get to stop being a kind and understanding human being.
Social distancing is what the doctor ordered in this time of crisis. Now, this is not a new concept for me. In fact, social distancing is my typical weekend. I love staying home, finding projects to be productive, and being alone. So for those of you who are social butterflies and find the thought of distancing yourself scary, here are some ideas from an expert to keep you occupied.
Social Distancing 101
At Home Workouts
They say that the gym is one of the most likely places for you to get the virus. Think about it, sweat flying, men grunting while they lift, no one wiping down their machines. The spread of bacteria is unreal – hence why I avoid gyms at any time of the year. I am a lover of at home workouts, and you still get amazing results from them. You’ll need some equipment like a yoga bat and some hand weights. I’d say go ahead and get some booty bands as well.
Now for picking a program – there are tons out there: Tone It Up, Alive by Whitney Simmons, Jillian Michaels, Kayla Itsines, the list goes on. I have not tried all of these but I have used Tone It Up and Jillian Michaels for years. Tone It Up it feels like you’re working out with your girlfriends and you’re going to get brunch after. Jillian Michaels feels like you’re going to get your butt kicked and be really proud of yourself afterwards.
If you need a little more then feel free to go outside, not to the gym, but into nature and go for a run or a walk. It’ll give you fresh air so you don’t get cabin fever and go crazy (Shining vibes). It’s also the best to do cardio outside because it’s not a controlled environment like when you’re on the treadmill. It’s a little chilly in Illinois for this right now, but the next warm day I’ll be hitting the pavement.

Get Artsy
Being in isolation is a great time to find your inner creativity. Whether it’s painting, drawing, or writing there’s really no excuse to not. When I was out running errands yesterday I picked up a sketch pad and some paints just in case. Creating art really brings out a different side of me. I feel very calm and centered afterwards. It’s almost like I let this creativity bottle up inside me and after I let it out I feel lighter.
Of course you don’t have to paint like Monet to enjoy art. However, if you’re a little daunted by the task then create some whimsical greeting cards and send them to nursing homes. They aren’t allowed visitors right now, so I’m sure receiving a card would put a giant smile on their face. And it’d make you feel amazing too.
Being artistic can be as simple as journaling. I love to journal but admittedly, I rarely save time for it. I think there’s a misconception around journaling, and that it’s only “Dear Diary, today I did this…”. Journaling can be a list of goals, writing about a vivid dream you had, something you wish for, where you see yourself in 5 years. It’s just a way to declutter all those brilliant ideas floating in your head.
Organize and Declutter
My bathroom has been an eyesore since the day I moved in. In an apartment you don’t have control over the design obviously, but it’s very sterile looking. I can’t even hang anything on the wall because it’s taken by mirror or towel racks. Yesterday I had an “ah-ha!” moment and started tackling it by reorganizing my products. I now have nothing on my counters except candles and 1 makeup holder. It’s taken me 7 months to finally find the right way to organize my bathroom.
The lesson here is that by being in “quarantine” or “isolation” you finally have time to make the seemingly impossible happen. It may take several tries to get things how you want it, but when you do find the right way it’s a freeing feeling. I finally want to spend time in my bathroom to get ready or take a bubble bath.
Obviously it doesn’t have to be your bathroom. I also organized my pantry and now I know what food I have in there. Tackle your closet and make a bag to take to Goodwill, or sell it on Poshmark if you are forced to stay home but aren’t getting paid right now. Organize your kitchen cabinets with all your dishware. There are tons of different options and it’s a productive way to spend your day.
To go hand in hand with this, get a jump start on your Spring Cleaning. Try rearranging your furniture, and clean every nook and cranny of your house. If you’re taking things out of your cabinet to organize you may as well wipe them out. If this is a daunting task to you then try tackling 1 room per day.
DIY Spa Day
To reward yourself for staying active, being philanthropic, and productive treat yourself to an at home spa day. Your bathroom is clean so run a bath with eucalyptus bubbles and salts and have a good soak. I love wearing my face mask while I relax in the tub. Use this time to read, scroll through Pinterest, or start a new show. Once you’ve had enough, or your bubbles have disappeared clean up your softened cuticles and exfoliate your hands and feet. This will give you the perfect canvas for an at home mani-pedi. Spend the rest of the day on the couch binging your favorite show. You’ve earned it.
How do you feel about social distancing now? It won’t be so bad, and I promise it won’t last forever. What’re you doing during this time of isolation? Let me know in the comments below. Stay healthy, friends.