Brutally Honest: Is the Kindle Worth the Money?

A few weeks ago I was gearing up for 2 weeks of traveling: a week long beach vacation, and 5 days in New York City. Airports, planes, and time at the beach is a lot of time to read. However, I didn’t want to waste real estate in my carry on with the 5 books I would easily get through in that time period. So, I bought a Kindle.
I’ve always been an avid reader. Books have transported me places I’ve only ever dreamed of. During some of my hardest times I’ve found comfort in the pages of books, and turning pages. However, in the last year I’ve found myself spending a lot of money on them. I got them at a discount, but what do you do with books when you’re done reading them? You put them on a shelf to collect dust. It just didn’t make a ton of sense financially. The Kindle has solved all of my problems.
Kindle Thoughts
I love the feel of a real book in my hand. I like turning the pages, and seeing the progress. One of the main reasons I was hesitant to get a Kindle was because I thought I would miss that aspect of reading. However, when you turn a page on the Kindle you get some pretty cool information. It shows you the percentage of the book you’ve read, and you have options on if you want to see how long you have left in the chapter, or the book. I’ve always been a fast reader, but these times make me read even quicker. Since getting the Kindle about a month ago I’ve read SEVEN books.
Another thing I love about the Kindle is you can link your library to your Goodreads account. Goodreads is kind of like a social media site for reading. It tracks the books you’ve read, you can rate the books, and set yearly reading goals. I just pledged to read 35 books in 2021, and according to my account I’m 23% done. You can follow your friends on Goodreads to see what they’re reading and recommending. (I’ve linked my account above if you want to throw me a follow!)
Kindle Unlimited
When you set up your Kindle & if you’re an Amazon Prime member you get a free trial of Kindle Unlimited. Kindle Unlimited is a vast library full of free books! I haven’t paid to buy or rent a single book yet. Just because these books are free doesn’t mean they’re poorly written. I’ve read some really captivating stories. You can search by genre, and after awhile your home page will recommend books to you based off your reading.
In conclusion, the Kindle has changed my life. It’s easy to transport, I can go 10 days without charging it, and there are so many great features! I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who was on the fence like me.
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