Reset for the New Year: 2023

Reset for the New Year: 2023

In recent years, New Year’s Resolutions have become cliché & almost a faux pas. I do believe that you can reset your life at any time of the year, but there’s something about leaving the past behind on January first. It makes it feel more, well, resolute. While the most common ways to set intentions for the new year often include purchasing a gym membership and lots of leafy greens, there are more aspects to resolutions than just physical health.

As I’ve gotten older, and therefore wiser, I’ve focused my resolutions more on mental and emotional resets. Changing one aspect of your life most likely isn’t going to give you the results you want. When making resolutions you need to take a well-rounded approach. Say you are committed to that gym membership goal, what emotional and mental changes can you make to hit said goal? It’s all about connecting the mind, body and soul.

Reset the Mind

A lot can happen in a year. Good or bad, I’m sure there is a lot of baggage coming with you into 2023. But what if I told you that didn’t have to be the case. My favorite way to start fresh is journaling. This is my favorite prompt for anytime I want to move into a new season of life. Write down everything you want to bring into the new year. This could be the people you want to continue sharing your life with, your passion projects, your visions for the future, your aspirations. Next, write down all the things you want to leave behind. This could be friendships or relationships, insecurities, debt, doubts, fears – whatever weighs on you. Keep this list handy and review it often.

The next step is to set your goals. These will most likely align with what you want to bring and leave behind in the new year. Make your goals attainable and specific. For example, if you want to get out of debt, DON’T write “get out of debt” or “save money.” Write down a more tangible goal like “eat in during the week to save money.” Or “clean out closet and sell items on Poshmark to make extra money.”

I’m a very visual person, so my next step is usually to find these goals in picture form and create a mood board. I turn this board into my background on all my devices so that I see it daily. It keeps me motivated and inspired.

Resetting the Body

It’s no secret that we all indulge during the holidays. We eat chocolate and cookies by the hour, and guzzle bottles of wine like it’s going out of style. I always look forward to the holiday’s being over so that I can get back on track with my food choices and regular workout schedule. I want to put out a little PSA that the only “good” way to reset is through a commitment to a long-term lifestyle change. Fad diets, juice cleanses, and HIIT workouts 7 days a week are not sustainable ways to reset the body. While you might see results in a short amount of time, you’ll end up feeling irritable, hungry, and exhausted, which will result in you quitting all together.

This lifestyle change goes back to those goals I mentioned earlier. Be specific and attainable. Some great goals to kickstart this long-term change could be: drink 64 oz of water per day, workout 3 days a week, don’t go to the grocery store when I’m hungry & stick to my list. By starting with baby steps you will avoid burnout. You’ll still end up seeing results in a couple weeks, and it’s a jumping off point. By February you might be up to 4 days at the gym and drinking a gallon of water per day!

Reset the Soul

The soul is a lesser known part of yourself to reset. I see the soul as the bridge between the mind and body. It’s more of tapping into your talents and abilities, and honoring what brings you happiness and peace. One of my goals I’m carrying over from 2022 is playing the piano 2 days per week. A new goal is to learn 3 new classical pieces this year. This can truly be anything: maybe you’re a great cook and want to learn how to perfect Gordon Ramsay’s Beef Wellington recipe. Perhaps you’re an athlete and want to train for a marathon. When thinking of how to serve your soul in the new year, think of what makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Happy new year, my friends. May this year bring you countless blessings and joy!