Cycle Syncing 101: Breaking Down the Menstrual & Follicular Phases

Cycle Syncing 101: Breaking Down the Menstrual & Follicular Phases

Happy Women’s Health Month! I couldn’t let this opportunity pass me by. I’m so excited to be breaking down cycle syncing even more, and share with you some of my favorite tips and tricks. I am not a professional by any means, but I’ve done so much research about cycle syncing in the last 9 months. I will be linking my sources at the end of this post if you want an even deeper dive into the 4 phases.

One trick I learned that has really helped me remember what my body needs during each phase is each phase is like a season. Your menstrual phase is winter: you’re hibernating, lethargic, and not super active. Follicular is spring: you’re coming out of hibernation and starting to get more energy. That leaves ovulatory as summer and luteal as fall. Both of which we will cover this month.

The Menstrual Phase

The menstrual phase is the most well known phase of our cycle. Yes, this is considered our “time of the month.” As previously mentioned, the menstrual phase is winter. It’s time for rest, reflection and looking inward. The menstrual phase is around 3-7 days long and it starts when you get your period, and ends when your period does. At the beginning of your menstrual phase hormones are at an all time low, but will gradually increase as your period progresses.


Unsurprisingly, we experience our lowest energy points during this phase. There’s a reason you don’t feel up for a long run or intense workout during this time. If you feel up to a little movement, take it easy with walks, stretching, restorative yoga or Pilates. It’s more than okay to take days off during this phase. Instead, try taking a long bath with essential oils, or try the sauna! This is the perfect time for some spa-like self care.

Menstrual Nutrition

First things first, make sure you are hydrating. You should be drinking the most amount of water during this phase, at least 2 liters. Try adding some fruit or herbs to make your water more interesting. My favorite combination is lemon, cucumber & mint. Add decaffeinated teas into the mix as well. Kombucha is a really great beverage to sip on, as it is great for gut health. Your gut can flare up more often during your bleed, so taking a pro/pre biotic, eating fermented foods or drinking kombucha will help combat that. You can also incorporate anti-inflammatory spices into the mix during this time to help with bloating: turmeric, cayenne, ginger, garlic, curry, and parsley are some of my favorites.

When you bleed you lose iron, so you’ll want to replenish it through your food. Beef, fish and poultry are great sources of iron. Dark green veggies are always your friend to supply you with B vitamins, as well as beets, broccoli, mushrooms, bell peppers, chickpeas, lentils, and kidney beans. Roasting your veggies or making a crockpot meal will be super nourishing during this time. For fruits add in cherries, tropical fruit like mango and pineapple, and citrus fruits.

The Follicular Phase

The follicular phase happens right after your period. At the end of your period your hormones are coming back up to normal levels. During your follicular phase your body is preparing to release an egg (ovulation), so estrogen and testosterone are beginning to peak. Because of this you will feel super confident, outgoing and like you have a ton of brain power.


Take advantage of your high energy levels during this part of your cycle. This is the perfect time for cardio based workouts or classes like HIIT or Zumba. You’ll also find it’s easier to lift heavier weights during this phase. Since you are feeling super energetic and confident now is the perfect time to try a new class or type of workout.

Follicular Nutrition

We are moving from winter to spring, so think of the follicular phase as your fresh phase. You will be craving lots of fresh veggies in salads or on the grill. Snap peas, kale, green beans, artichokes, green peas and sweet potatoes are really great options. Try incorporating leaner proteins like poultry, eggs and fish. While carbs aren’t a huge focus during this time your body still needs them to function. Opt for brown rice and quinoa. When it comes to fruits go for stone fruits like apricots, peaches and lychees, as well as bananas, apples and blueberries. Hydration is always key, so try to get at least 2 liters in per day.

As my gift to you, I created a recipe book with some of my favorite meals for each phase. You can download that here. In the meantime, I highly recommend downloading the 28 app and figuring out what phase you currently are in. Challenge yourself to try just 1 month of cycle syncing and see how much better you feel.


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