

A lot of you have been asking, “what’re your new year’s resolutions?” Firstly, I want to clarify something about these promises we make to ourselves every year. I think that resolutions can be great, but it seems that we forget about them after a couple months. Isn’t that why everyone vows to be “healthier” every time the new year hits? I’ve been guilty of it too, but this year I want to be more mindful about my promises.

Instead of saying I want to be “healthier” this year, I ironed how in what ways. Let’s face it, “healthier” is a very broad term. Do you want your mental health to improve or your physical health? What steps are you going to take to achieve these goals? No goal can be reached without an action plan.

Looking at my action plan, I would say my focus is a clearer mind for 2019. With my history with depression and anxiety I’m taking steps to not become overwhelmed with the unknown this year will bring me. Of course I’m also focusing on my physical health, but that has always been a priority for me. With my half marathon training I’d say this is already spoken for; but I will reevaluate this aspect after my half.

Without further ado, here’s what I’m resolving to do in 2019.

Keeping Mental Health Strong

The overarching theme in this category is less screen time. I’m very guilty of watching makeup tutorials on YouTube before going to bed. I’ll still watch my favorite guru’s but I’ll do it while I’m on the treadmill or while I’m doing dishes. Instead, I want to take more time out of my day to read and write. Obviously, I write quite a bit on here, but I want to journal more and write down what I’m thinking about and how I’m feeling. I also adore reading. I’ve always loved to curl up with a captivating book, but I haven’t done much of that recently. I have an entire list of books I want to read this year, and I’m so excited to make this a priority.

In conjunction with reading, I specifically want to expand my knowledge of astrology. Everyone knows that I love reading my horoscope, and analyzing my birth chart. Call me crazy, but I actually find the study of astrology very interesting and want to learn about the traits of each sign, and what our rising sign means. Maybe it’ll turn out to be a whole bunch of hocus pocus, but I’ll learn on my own. Who wants to see a post about my birth chart?

I want to commit to self care Sunday. In college I would use Sunday to shave my legs, deep condition my hair, do my nails, and do a face mask. I want to bring that back in 2019. I’m going to start my self care Sundays with a bubble bath and face mask, and finish it up with a healthy dinner and a mani/pedi.

I’m going to meditate at least twice a week. I feel that I’ll be able to accomplish other goals of mine like being present, and practicing gratitude through meditation. I always find that meditating leaves me feeling light and happy, but I never make time for it. Maybe a few months into 2019 I’ll up it to 3 times a week.

Physical Habits to Practice

I’m still going strong with my half marathon training until February 24, but even after I complete my 13.1 I want to continue running. I’m making it my goal to run a cumulative 10 miles per week. I want running to be an easy part of my workout routine and continue to explore my love for it. Running is the best workout to clear the mind, and it’s a full body workout. I don’t ever want to start from point 0 again.

In addition to continuing running, I want to stick to a structured fitness routine. I LOVE Tone It Up, and I am going to buy the app subscription for $12/month and possibly the nutrition plan. Katrina and Karena make it so easy to do an intense workout, and they know how to generate results. Working out with them is like working out with my besties: it’s fun!

The last physical habit to practice is less consumption of alcohol. It’s so easy to go home from work and drink a glass of wine while watching tv or going out for drinks, but I want to become less dependent on alcohol. To clarify, I’m not saying I have a drinking problem, but it seems that in order to be social in your early 20’s you have to include alcohol. I’m not cutting it out completely, but it’s something I want to keep better track of.

These are the practices and habits that I’m focusing on in 2019. What are some of your resolutions for this year?