Traditional Christmas Cookies

Traditional Christmas Cookies

Who agrees that the best part of any holiday is the food? Thanksgiving, Christmas, even Easter, the big dinners are the best part. A traditional 5 course Christmas meal includes dessert. In our house, we keep dessert simple with everyone’s favorite Christmas cookies. The salty and sweet goodness of Mom’s Peanut Butter Blossoms are a cute bite without making you overly full.

These have been a part of the family since I can remember, and are always a special request of my sister. These cookies may be a staple in other people’s families, but my mom has given these treats a twist to make them even more festive. Instead of using Hershey’s Kisses she uses chocolate stars, and for an extra Christmas-y flair we add red and green sprinkles.

The Recipe

These cookies are guaranteed to be a hit at any holiday party or event. What are your signature holiday treats?