How to Motivate Yourself for Those Resolutions

How to Motivate Yourself for Those Resolutions

How many of you have made a resolution to be more healthy in 2019? How many of you find that after a couple weeks you feel burnt out? These resolutions are great to start off the year, but to be completely honest a health journey isn’t just 1 year long, or in a more realistic case: 1 month long. It’s life long. Wanting to be more active or eat better is a challenge that will last forever.

We are constantly tempted by fast food signs off the interstate, mouthwatering commercials on TV, and coupons that appear in our inbox. We’re also tempted by how warm our bed is in the morning, and co-workers asking you out for drinks after work. There are a lot of things out there that can throw us off our fitness routines. So, the million dollar question is: how do you stay motivated?

I’d like to start with a disclaimer: being “healthy” isn’t about a number on a scale or tag inside your jeans. Being “healthy” doesn’t mean only eating kale. Being healthy is about a state of mind. It’s about how you feel in your skinny jeans, how you feel when you choose to eat the healthier option, how you feel when you see yourself in the mirror. The only person who can define your health journey is you.

The Mind Game

Think about where you are right now. You’re starting your journey. You decided on this resolution for a reason: what is it? Why do you think you need to change your lifestyle? I’ll give you a hint. It’s not because someone else wants you to. Even if someone you care about told you to lose weight or eat better, that doesn’t mean you’d do it. There is a part of you that wants to change.

This is your main source of motivation. Every day when you get ready to workout and your mind is telling you “I don’t want to” you’re going to do it anyway. You’re going to think about day 1 when you felt hopeful and optimistic about starting and you’re going to channel that. This journey isn’t just about making your muscles stronger, it’s about making your mind stronger.

The most important thing I’ve learned during my half marathon training is that it’s all about your mindset. On days when I tell myself I’m not going to have a good workout is the day I have a really bad workout. But, if I go into a workout saying I’m going to try my hardest and do my best, I always surprise myself. I’ll be 6 miles in with 2 miles to go and I’ll turn up my music a little louder and push through that barrier.

Moral of this story, hang on to the hopeful and optimistic version of yourself throughout this journey. That’s the mindset that will set you up for success every time.

“It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.”

Jillian Michaels

Looking Good and Feeling Good

I swear this isn’t as shallow as it sounds. What I’m trying to say is that you need to feel good in what you wear during your workouts. For the longest time I’d throw on some cotton leggings and an old high school cheerleading shirt and workout. It got the job done and I didn’t really care what I looked like. In other words, I didn’t realize the mistake I was making. Then, I ordered my first Fabletics set.

From that point I was obsessed with athletic wear. I was drawn to the workout clothing in every store I went to. I never knew that working out could be fashionable too. To this day, I adore wearing matching sets and buying new clothes to sweat in. In the words of my mom, “I don’t mind you buying workout clothes because I know you’ll wear them.”

Not only is athletic wear fashionable nowadays, it’s also more comfortable. Now that I’m converted to this type of clothing, I realized why I hated workout out before. Those old cotton t shirts were confining on my shoulders and made me feel claustrophobic. My sport bras didn’t fit right, and my cotton leggings from Victoria’s Secret PINK were designed for lounging, not working up a sweat. Now, when I shop for athleticwear I always try things on first. I know how I like these items to fit now, and if I feel confined they’re not worth the price tag.

Speaking of price tag, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of Lululemon leggings. There are racks on racks of leggings at stores like TJ Maxx and even Walmart for under $20. Same thing goes for sport bras and tank tops. There are high quality items in stores that are budget friendly. If you’re like me who loves lines like Victoria Sport, then wait for their end of year sale. You can get some great deals!

Last, but Not Least

You know those songs you karaoke to in the shower or dance to when no one is home. Put all of those on a playlist and listen to it every time you workout. You obviously love these songs, and listening to them will make you want to workout. I can’t listen to the song “Rap God” by Eminem without wanting to break into a full on sprint.

Keep adding to this playlist every time you hear a song that lifts you up and puts you in a good mood. Furthermore, keep editing this playlist. If there’s a song you thought would be a good addition but in the end doesn’t pump you up: get rid of it. I firmly believe that music can make or break your workout. Set yourself up for success from the very beginning. If you need to cheat on this one, you can always listen to my Spotify Half Marathon playlist here.

I hope that these tricks help you stay motivated on your health journey. Remember, healthy isn’t just a destination; it’s a journey. I hope you reach all your health and fitness goals this year, and keep pushing for every year after!