Farewell, Florida

I honestly can’t believe that I’ve lived in Florida for a year now. It’s true what they say, “time flies when you’re having fun.” Fun was a big part of my life in Orlando. With Disney and Universal and all the unique spots in between how can’t it be? It’s with a heavy heart and high hopes for the future that I say goodbye to this amazing city. I’m sure we’ll meet again, but for now I’m excited to be heading back to the Midwest to be close to family.
One of my favorite movies has a quote that goes like this, “No one grows up in Florida, unless you’re an orange.” But, I think that’s perfectly untrue. I did a lot of growing up here. It was the first time I had adult responsibilities plus a full time job and a social life. I learned a lot about personal finance, how to conquer uncomfortable situations, and how to balance personal time on top of everything else. This year was anything but easy but I’m happy with how things turned out in the end.
The Disney Experience
Disney had been my dream for years. When I finally got the news that I was accepted into their intern program I was in disbelief. It’s still hard to believe that my dream came true so early in life. I think that’s why I’m happy to be going home. Disney and Florida was never a long term plan. I’m too much of a homebody to be that far away from family for long. But, this has been more that I could’ve ever hoped for.
In my year working with Disney I got to work on not 1 but 2 teams that I absolutely adore. I interned in the Youth Sales department where we bring students from all over the world to our park. These students can do educational programs or performance arts programs. I think it’s one of the most rewarding departments because we transform kids lives.
In my second semester with Disney I was recruited by the Youth and Leisure Services team. They needed extra hands during their busy season and my leader nominated me for the job. Even though this team was stressed to the max they always found time for a little fun. The 3:00 dance parties were by far my favorite.
To any of my Disney family reading this – I will never forget you or this experience. You have made my fairytale come true.
My Florida Must Do’s
I’ve written several posts about my favorite spots in Orlando and Celebration. The truth is that there are always new spots coming alive in this city. If you’re ever in Florida don’t just stick to one destination. I highly recommend spending a couple days here in Orlando, but venture out and see what else this state has to offer. Like the beach for example!
Sanibel Island
One of my cousins got married in Sanibel while I was living here. This is the most beautiful beach I’ve ever been to. It’s gulf side, and the water is so blue. This island is full of quaint local spots and hardly any chains. It gets hot when you’re inland but right on the beach is where you catch the rays and the breeze. Go for a walk in the morning and hunt for shells, get your tan on in the afternoon, and stay around for the sunsets. No view here is bad. It’s the perfect relaxed getaway.
Vero Beach
If you’re not really a gulf side kind of gal then head over to the east side to Vero Beach. Not even a 2 hour drive from Orlando. If you’re still in the Disney mood then check out Disney’s Vero Beach Resort. It’s beautiful and has gorgeous beach views and access. There are so many beaches to choose from when you’re in Vero – I’d opt for one only the locals know about. Bring a chair and a good book and you’re set for a full day at the beach.
Celebration Town Tavern
I love many restaurants in the Orlando area. None as much as beloved Celebration Town Tavern. This has everything you could ever want – seafood, burgers, pasta, and the best onion rings in the state. When a place has $3.50 gin and tonics for happy hour you know I’ll be there as often as possible. No item on the menu is bad which makes it really hard to choose. Of course my recommendations are the clam chowder and onion rings. After dinner, take a stroll around downtown Celebration to work off those calories.
My Florida Highlights
Besides working at Disney, and all the experiences that offered me, I had some amazing times. All of my highlights involve people – those who visited me and those I met here. I have felt so blessed living here. Even though I’m 1,300 miles away from those I love most I have only felt supported by them. I must be surrounded by some extraordinary people if they’re willing to brave delayed flights and 100 degree weather to be with me.
First day of work Celebrating my Internship at Magic Kingdom Walt Disney’s favorite ride My first visitor Family in Florida What a cool boss Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party In a galaxy far, far away Visit from college friend Christmas in Florida God Bless America You’re a wizard, Brian Soul sister Ice cream tastes better in Mickey form My biggest cheerleader! Huge thank you to these guys for cheering me on. My first half marathon Cheer Coach from high school 2 blondes and a brunette walk into a wine bar He’s the red to my white, it’s called balance Completed my intern presentation Completed our intern presentations The best group of gal pals The best last weekend I could’ve asked for Ohana means family