Cycle Syncing 101: Breaking Down the Ovulatory Phase
Welcome back to Women’s Health Month here on LHLW. I hope you’re learning something new about your body and why you act and feel the way you do. Have you downloaded a cycle tracking app? I certainly hope so. It’s such an incredible learning tool when you’re just getting started with cycle syncing. To recap, we’ve talked about cycle syncing as a whole, rituals that help my hormones, as well as the winter and spring phases. Today we’re focusing on summer, or the ovulatory phase. I personally love this phase because it’s a point in your cycle where you have high energy, a literal glow and feel the most confident in yourself. So without further ado, let’s get into it.
Ovulatory Phase
You might know about the ovulatory phase as your “fertility window.” You body is releasing an egg to be fertilized. This process only lasts about 36 hours, but your different phases don’t just turn on and off like a switch. You can feel the effects of this phase for up to a week. During this time your body releases a surge of estrogen and testosterone. The result? The highest energy levels, motivation and strength you’ll feel during your cycle. Your skin will be radiant and clear, your hair will be luscious and shiny, and you will be FEELING YOURSELF.
Ovulatory Exercise
Your ovulatory phase is a great time to incorporate strength training and cardio into your routine. You will actually be your strongest during this phase of your cycle. That’s not to say that you can’t lift the same amount during say your menstrual phase. But your normal weight will feel surprisingly easy. You might be able to go up in weight or do more reps than normal. Cardio will also feel easy with how much extra energy you’ll have. Try adding sprints or an extra mile onto your cardio. Because of your self confidence you’ll be feeling pretty social! Use that to your advantage and try a different workout class!
Ovulatory Nutrition
It’s common to experience some bloating during your ovulatory phase. To prevent that, avoid super salty foods and make sure to hydrate and eat plenty of fiber-rich foods. Try adding a greens powder or chia seeds to your water to boost fiber intake. Remember, this is your summer phase, so fresh foods are the way to go. Make a protein smoothie for breakfast and try grilling proteins and veggies. Salads are another great direction to go during this time. Keep fresh fruits like peaches, watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, and plums nearby for a healthy snack. These fruits are high in water content as well so they will help you stay hydrated! Don’t forget to download your free cycle syncing meal guide here:
Between your follicular phase and now is the time to book your social calendar. Once your estrogen and testosterone levels decrease, and the luteal phase starts moving in, you’re not going to feel as outgoing. If you’re single now’s the time to go one dates and meet new people. Remember, you’re going to be looking and feeling your best! Use that flirtatious energy wisely. Outside of dating, go out to dinner with the girls, go dancing, or try a new class in your community. You will be surprised at how many new connections you make!
Next week we’ll be moving into the nesting period (pun intended) of the luteal phase. As an introvert, I love the luteal phase. It’s a time to become cozy in your home and really prepare for not feeling like your best self during the menstrual phase. You can follow me on Instagram for more behind the scenes content!