Cycle Syncing 101: Breaking Down the Luteal Phase

Cycle Syncing 101: Breaking Down the Luteal Phase

And just like that, we’ve come to the conclusion of the menstrual cycle. Today we’re discussing the final “season”: fall. Also known as the luteal phase. This is personally my favorite phase. I’m an earth sign and an introvert, so it really feels on brand that this is my favorite phase. During the luteal phase we are leaving the high energy of ovulation behind and preparing for the menstrual phase. I like referring to this phase as the “nesting” phase. The luteal phase is the longest phase of the cycle lasting close to 2 weeks for some women.

Luteal Phase

So, what happens to our bodies that we go from feeling out most confident in our ovulatory phase, to feeling our most crummy? The short answer is hormones. As estrogen and testosterone drop so does our serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical that helps us feel happy and optimistic. Progesterone levels start to climb and you’ll start craving foods that are less healthy and your appetite in general will increase. Don’t let that scare you! Your body is telling you that it’s preparing for menstruation so now is the time to give in to your cravings.

Luteal Exercise

Your energy levels are decreasing during this phase, which means that the exercises that felt so easy during ovulation will start to feel more strenuous. Take a break from the high intensity training and lean into more nourishing, low impact movement like walks, yoga or Pilates. It’s encouraged to keep working out consistently during this phase, but listen to your body. If a workout sounds like too much do 15 minutes of light stretching or take your pup for a walk. The goal isn’t to raise your heart rate and burn mega calories, it’s just to move your body and get the blood flowing. On a personal level, when I’m moving into the luteal and menstrual phase my self image decreases. I always feel better about myself after a light walk or yoga class.


Like I already mentioned, you’re going to crave less healthy options during the luteal phase. As a recap, during the follicular and ovulatory phases it’s natural for our bodies to crave lots of fresh veggies and fruits, grilled proteins and lighter meals in general. But, as we start preparing for menstruation our bodies are craving iron rich, fatty and high carb options. If your body is craving it, it probably needs it. Pasta is a great option during the luteal phase because the carbs will help boost energy you’re lacking from hormones. Thinking of the menstrual phases in seasons really helps me when thinking about nutrition. It makes sense that during fall we crave warm and hearty meals. Opt for soups, crock pot meals, and oven baked options during this time.

Bone broth is great to sip on during this phase, but if you’re like me you don’t fancy the flavor of it. One hack I’ve discovered recently is cooking my rice in bone broth. This way you’re getting more protein into your meal and the incredible vitamins that come from the broth. Beef, fatty fish like tuna and salmon are also great options for this phase. When it comes to produce opt for hearty greens like kale or chard, root veggies like carrots and sweet potatoes, and red fruits like raspberries and figs. Treat yourself with pasta and dark chocolate here too!

Luteal Activities

Nesting is real during the luteal phase. I always find myself in cleaning mode as soon as I enter this phase. With energy levels and serotonin decreasing make sure you fit some self care in your schedule. A clean house is self care for me but you could focus on creating a little retreat for yourself. Clean your bathroom, put fresh sheets on the bed and light some candles. You’re going to be in hibernation mode for the next 2 weeks so you may as well enjoy the space you’re in. Now isn’t really the time to be social. Binge watch your favorite show, read a couple books, and focus on yourself.

And that concludes the menstrual phases! There is so much more information than what I offered here, but I hope this gives you a helpful introduction to the phases of the menstrual cycle and cycle syncing. You can follow me on Instagram for more, and don’t forget to download your free cycle syncing meal guide here!