Your Diet Isn’t Just What You Eat

Your Diet Isn’t Just What You Eat

It’s that time of year when every trendy “diet” and ways to “better yourself” are thrown in your face. Advertisements promote detox tea to shrink your waistline, and Beachbody has a new year new you fitness program. Companies are so caught up in appearance, and what’s “sexy” from the outside. What I don’t see enough of is companies promoting taking care of your mental and emotional health. Isn’t our emotional wellbeing what’s most important anyway?

I get it, and truthfully I get caught up in it. I love everything about health and wellness: the external appearance as well as the internal feeling. Over time I’ve become more mindful of what truly is just marketing (I mean hey, I WORK in marketing!), and what is worth the time and energy. Here’s my secret to feeling your best: incorporate more than food and movement into your diet.

A Well Rounded Diet

Winter is a long season, and for those of us who struggle with mental health such as SAD, depression, and anxiety it feels even longer. I notice that my mood is already unstable during these months and there’s one thing that contributes to it that you wouldn’t expect. Depressing, dark or heavy books, tv shows, podcasts, and movies really take a toll over time. You guys know how much I love everything crime, mystery, thriller and paranormal. Well, I tend to avoid those things during winter.

While watching a dark movie or show in the winter I can feel my happy hormones depleting. I leave my couch feeling anxious, sad or depressed. Instead, I opt for podcasts on wellness, female empowerment, or humor. I rewatch my comfort shows like Gossip Girl and Bridgerton, and binge all my feel good movies. I even throw some romance novels in my mix of mystery.

If you’re ever stuck on what to watch, read or listen to message me on Instagram @oliviajoehl. I’m happy to give you some feel good recommendations!