Day in the Life: Sunday

Day in the Life: Sunday

I feel like there are 2 teams on this topic, you either love Sunday’s or you hate them. On one hand, Sunday’s mean the weekend is almost over and we have to return to the mundane routines of work-week life. Trust me, I get it. I’ve been a victim of the Sunday Scaries many times. But, on the other hand, it’s the first day of the week. A literal fresh start! And personally, I think that’s beautiful.

I wanted to take this opportunity to walk you through a typical Sunday. Of course things can change week to week based off different obligations. But, I have to say: there are few things I love more than a Sunday that goes perfectly according to plan.

Sunday Routine


I’m an early riser, even on the weekends (thanks, Leia). My days of going out and partying til 2 AM are long behind me. I’ll normally wake up around 7 and lay in bed soaking up puppy snuggles. By 7:30 I start getting antsy to start my day. I’ll make the bed, get dressed and do a little morning skin care. It’s usually just a little face wash, toner and sunscreen. Next up is hydrating & making my grocery list. You all know I love my emotional support half gallon water bottle, so I fill ‘er up and sit down to plan my meal prep and dinners for the week.

There are 2 workout classes I love at my gym on Sunday mornings. Pilates is very hard to get into and there is normally a waitlist. I love this class not only because I love Pilates, but it’s at 8:15 and I love getting my sweat done first thing. But, if I can’t get in to that one then I’ll go to 9:30 yoga flow, which is harder than it sounds. Depending on which class I go to, I’ll either run to Trader Joe’s before or after the gym.

When I get home from my morning errands, iced matcha in hand, I’ll get to work meal prepping. Scott and I normally grab breakfast while we’re out and about, but if we don’t I’ll whip up some quick bacon and eggs for us. I’ve gotten my meal prep down to a science. It rarely takes me longer than an hour to prep my breakfast and lunch for the week. But, sometimes I feel ambitious and choose to make fresh juice for the week or a healthy sweet treat. Either way, the rest of my morning is normally spent in the kitchen, cooking and then cleaning up.


My afternoons are way less structured and just depend on what needs to be done around the house. It’s normal for the house to get messy and unorganized during the week, so Sunday’s I put various things away that have piled up, do any heavy cleaning, and always do the floors. I love my golden retriever, but damn is there a lot of hair! During the warmer months I’m always in a rush to get outside. I treat it like my reward, like “if I scrub all the bathrooms I get to go outside!” and honestly, it works. Scott is super great about helping me with housework. He’ll clean anything I ask and he actually does all of our laundry, which is THE BIGGEST help to me, and coincidentally, my least favorite chore.

Crossing things off the to do list are just as important as rest to me. But, I rest easier once things are crossed off the to do list. Earth signs, am I right? My late afternoons are always spent relaxing, whether it’s reading a book on our back patio, or binging a show with Scott. Eventually I’ll make my way to the bathroom to clean up and primp for the week. Sunday is my hair wash day so I’ll blow dry my hair, usually do a face mask, and put on some clean pjs. I end the day by making a home cooked dinner and crawling into bed at my usual 8:30.

My advice? A routine that you look forward to can make any day of the week better. Follow me on Instagram for more insight into my daily routines!